Vol. 10, No. 1 November 2005
In-Service Training Credit for Reading this Newsletter!
If you are
a North Carolina foster parent you can enjoy reading Fostering Perspectives
and earn credit toward your relicensure. Just write down the answers
to the questions below and present them to your social worker. If your
answers are satisfactory, youll receive 30 minutes of credit toward
your in-service training requirement. If you or your licensing social worker have questions about this method of
gaining in-service credit, please contact the N.C. Division of Social Services
at 919/733-7672.
Quiz, FP v10#1
- Name three of shared parenting’s potential benefits for foster parents.
- When school is out on vacation, where does Donise plan to take her foster kids?
- Name two reasons you should attend the NC Foster and Adoptive Parent Association’s Statewide Training Institute for Foster, Adoptive, and Kinship Parents on April 28-30, 2006.
- Name one person you know who would be eligible to participate in the NC Alumni Mentor Program and describe how you might convince that person to apply.
- What are the three things that help sustain Becky and Joe Burmester’s energy for foster parenting?
- What is the most helpful advice Elizabeth Cassedy has received about choosing consequences for children? How would this work in your family?
- What are the four main points described in this issue for talking to children about their parents’ substance abuse?
- What does Nancy Carter tell foster parents to help them understand the impact foster care placement disruption has on child development? Does this fit with your experience?
- What are the typical ways a 10-year-old child might react to a traumatic event?
- Name three things you as a foster parent can do to help prevent foster care placement disruption.
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2005 Jordan Institute for Families