Vol. 10, No. 1 November 2005
Save the Date!
“You Make THE Difference”
A Statewide Training Institute
for Foster,
Adoptive, and
Kinship Parents
April 28-30, 2006
The annual training conference of the NC Foster and Adoptive Parents Association will be held April 28-30, 2006 at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Be sure you mark your calendars now, and visit our website (www.ncfapa.org) for additional information as we get closer to the conference.
NCFAPA knows that You Make THE Difference in the lives of many children in our state. And we want to continue to give you the skills, training, support, and solidarity to continue making differences in more and more lives. We think that this will be the best conference yet and that you will come away with more strengths and knowledge to sustain your journey. You have the opportunity to Make THE Difference—to change children’s lives. Don’t miss this opportunity to change your life!
We always need help securing door prizes, financial sponsorships, committee support, and much more. If you have some time and are willing, please give us a call at 866/623-7248.
Copyright � 2005 Jordan Institute for Families