Vol. 10, No. 1 November 2005
Youth in transition need your help
As a foster parent or social worker, you are in a unique position to help create a new resource for supporting foster youth as they enter adulthood. And it will take only a moment of your time!
The newly-created NC Alumni Mentor Program matches foster youth who will soon exit care with young adults who have successfully made the transition to independence.
You can help by encouraging the people you know to participate in this program.
- To qualify as a mentor you must have aged out of foster care, have been out of foster care for at least two years, and be willing to support your foster youth partner for at least one year.
- To qualify as a transitioning young adult you must be in foster care, be between the ages of 17 and 21, and be willing to accept support from your mentor for at least one year.
This program offers rewards to everyone who participates. Foster youth receive a new friend and guide who has really “been there,” someone to listen to them, help them learn and practice skills they will need, and to celebrate with them as they travel down the road to success. Volunteer mentors receive the respect and friendship of the foster youth and the knowledge that they are helping to make the world a better place.
This program is coordinated by Melinda Medina. Herself a foster care alumnus, Medina brings a reality-based understanding of what foster youth in transition need to succeed. If you know any eligible foster youth or former foster youth please encourage them to contact her at 800/820-0001; [email protected].
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2005 Jordan Institute for Families