Vol. 10, No. 1 November 2005
SaySo youth named national "Youth of the Year"
A SaySo member has been named National Youth of the Year! Makeisha Williams, 21, recently was awarded this honor in Atlanta at an awards ceremony held in conjunction with the Growing Pains Independent Living Conference at the Westin Peachtree Plaza.
“Keisha” has exhibited her leadership skills and interest in young people since she joined the SaySo board in 1998. After leaving the board, Makeisha won election as one of four youths on the National Independent Living Association (NILA) Board of Directors. Makeisha has served four years on NILA (her second term ends in January 2006).
Keisha has enjoyed representing youth around the country and especially from North Carolina. She is pursuing a career in social work and has a commitment to helping all foster youths register to vote as soon as they are able.
“We have the most at stake and our votes count too,” she says.
Previous SaySo recipients of this award include Melinda Medina (2003) and DeVon McRavion (2002).
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2005 Jordan Institute for Families