Vol. 10, No. 2 May 2006
Foster Parent Training: "Helping Youth Reach Self-Sufficiency"
Here’s an opportunity for foster parents to learn how to teach a course for foster parents AND help foster teens prepare to live on their own. Independent Living Resources, based in Durham, is recruiting foster parents interested in spending the weekend of October 27–29, 2006 in Burlington to learn what it takes to be a foster parent trainer on topics related to foster teens.
The course, “Helping Youth Reach Self-Sufficiency,” covers the basics of independent living, including assessing youth, making decisions, and building assets, as well as how to use education, employment, and the community in the process. Foster parent participants will also learn to organize and practice a two-hour training for other foster parents. Upon returning home, foster parent trainers will conduct trainings locally. A follow-up class will be offered where participants share their experiences and learn new training techniques.
The course is sponsored by the NC LINKS program and is offered FREE to foster parents. The LINKS program will pay lodging and meals for foster parents to attend. Prior to registering for the course, attendees must ask their licensing worker to support them in this effort to train foster parents.
The seminar begins at 3 p.m. on Fri., October 27 and ends at 1 p.m. on Sun., October 29, 2006. To register, go to <http://www.fosteringperspectives.org/fp_v10n2/ilr_registerform.pdf> and download/print the course registration form. Once it is complete, return it to ILR, Inc., 411 Andrews Road, Suite 230, Durham, NC 27705 or fax to (919) 384-0338.
Registration Deadline: September 15, 2006.
For more information, contact Melinda Medina (800/820-0001; [email protected]).
Copyright � 2006 Jordan Institute for Families