Vol. 10, No. 2 May 2006
Writing Contest: Who Has Had the Most Influence on Your Life?
The writing contest in the last issue of Fostering Perspectives posed the following question to current and former foster kids: “Who has influenced your life most?”
We expected to get a variety of answers to this question, since the list of those who shape people’s lives includes parents, sisters and brothers, relatives, friends, teachers, coaches, preachers, TV personalities . . .
Instead, all but one of the children who responded wrote about their foster or adoptive parents. That’s right, you read that correctly: most children named their foster or adoptive parents as the most influential, important people in their lives.
Let that sink in for a minute. These kids are saying that they know they can count on their foster and adoptive parents. That they see value in the lessons they are learning from them. That they have a special place in their hearts.
Now take it one step further. Perhaps, even if they don’t say it out loud, the children in your home feel about you the way Rebecca feels about her parents: “I hope some day I’ll be just like them.”
John McMahon, Editor
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age 14
The person who has had the most influence on me is the foster mother I have now. I say that because when I first came to her, she invited me with open arms. She let me know she cares for me and is going to do the best she can.
She has taught me things about life, how to cook, and how to clean.
I had never been out of the house until I came to her. Since I have been with her, I have been to the beach, all over the state. We’ve planned to go to New York for the holidays.
She has let me know I can succeed in anything I put my mind to, and gave me hope for a better future.
Sammantha received $100 for winning the writing contest.
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Rebecca, age 13
My parents who adopted me have influenced my life most.
When I was just a baby my birth mom abandoned me in a trailer, in a laundry basket. Days later, I was brought to a children’s home where I met my foster parents, Dale and Flo.
Seven months later, I was adopted and never regretted it since.
I am 13 and I want to share with you my experience now that we’re fostering two children in our home. . . .
Whether these children are at school, home, church, or a friend’s, we must try to help them, nurture them, love them, and show them that we care about what’s best for them. My parents have shown me through our foster kids. They have been great examples. They show love, they care, and they help these children in many ways.
I hope some day I’ll be just like them.
Rebecca received $50 for taking second place in the writing contest.
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Alyssa, age 12
The most important person in my life is Jesus Christ. He has helped me through everything.
Last year my 14-year-old brother died of heart disease. When he was born the doctors had said that he wouldn’t live to see his first birthday. But by God’s grace and miracles I enjoyed 12 years of love and laughter with him.
The day he died my family and I were in shock. I remember balling up in a little chair at school and crying my eyes out. My teachers were surrounding me, trying to comfort me.
After this my mother went into severe depression and my brother and I went into foster care. Again, it was very devastating and tragic for all of us.
We were so grateful to go to a Christian foster home. I am now learning about the bible and how to live my life properly according to God. We have been here six months already.
I will be happy to one day go home and be with my family once again. Thank you. With love, Alyssa
Alyssa’s letter won third prize, for which she was awarded $25.
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Star, age 11
The person who has had the most influence on my life is my mom who has adopted me. She gave me a great home and family. She also helps me with all the problems that I have. . . . She’s taught me how to make friends. She’s taught me how to be polite and understand others. She’s taught me how to take care of myself. . . . She’s showed me the difference between good and bad things. She’s helped me with my homework. She also helps me get better when I am sick. She comforts me when I am scared or sad. . . . That’s why she’s the person that had the most influence on my life.
Star received $15 for having her letter published.
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Gary, age 13
The two people I think that have made the most influence on my life are Mr. Paul and Mrs. Cathy. They have always been there for me and will always be there for me. They are loving, caring, nice people that should not have some foster children be mean to them. They are just some people that are willing to take a risk in taking kids in. They just have the biggest hearts I know (besides some other people I know). They can be very nice, but then if you are bad they can be very strict. They put a lot of love in taking care of their foster children. They treat everyone equal. And that’s who I think made the most influence on me.
Gary received $15 for having his letter published.
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Brittany, age 13
The person that influences me most? My foster mom! She always knows when something is going to happen to me or when I am let down . . . ALWAYS!
. . . . If I fail a test in school she is always so happy to sit down with me and go over the ones that I missed and then I feel like I understand it more. When I am let down or something is getting to me she always helps. She always tells me something positive that I have done in the past couple of days like, “You did great on this or that!”
. . . . She always comes up to my room to tuck me in and asks me if I have any prayer requests. Even if I don’t, she still prays for me and then when she is gone I always thank her for doing that for me. Then the next morning I feel like a different person.
Brittany received $15 for having her letter published.
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David, age 11
The one that has had the most influence in my life is my foster mom.
She taught me all the stuff I need to know. Like my manners, how to respect people, how to say, “Yes, Ma’am,” “No, Ma’am,” “Yes, Sir,” “No, Sir.”
She is the best person in my life. She can be mean once in a while, but I still love her. Even when I get older and go to college I will still keep in touch with her. She is the best—I mean BEST—person in my life. There is no one else like her.
David received $15 for having his letter published.
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Austin, age 11
The person who has made a big difference in my life is my foster mom. This is why: because she is there when I’m feeling upset. When I have to cry she is there to comfort me so I can tell her why I’m crying.
Sometimes, when she cries, I’m there to comfort her, too. She is there for me and I’m there for her, through hard times and in bad times.
The main thing is that we love each other.
Austin received $15 for having his letter published.
Copyright � 2006 Jordan Institute for Families