Vol. 10, No. 2 May 2006
SaySo Saturday Celebrates Eight Years
by Melinda Medina
Some people thought our organization would never become a reality, much less prosper. However, on Saturday, March 4, 2006 over 100 young people and their adult supporters came together at Guilford Technical Community College to celebrate youth leadership, discuss issues relevant to foster teens, and celebrate the eighth birthday of SaySo (Strong Able Youth Speaking Out). As a SaySo alumni, I coordinated this years’ conference. SaySo hopes that this annual event will begin to attract even more foster alumni, creating a reunion-like
On SaySo Saturday youths and adults attended workshops that addressed hot topics for girls and guys, how to become an advocate, and a session to talk about ways to improve the lives of foster teens.
At this event SaySo also acknowledged two new local chapters: Orange County and a Surry County/Stokes County chapter. The Surry-Stokes chapter provided a session on how to start a new chapter. Financial awards were presented to the chapters at the celebration: Moore County, Cumberland County, Wake County, Onslow County, and Catawba County. SaySo currently has 10 active chapters overall.
We would like to wish all our local chapters a happy birthday. We are eager to see more chapters get started. If you are interested in starting your own local chapter please e-mail us at <[email protected]>.
New Board Members
SaySo elected 16 new members to its 2006-2007 board. They will be commissioned during an orientation weekend June 20-22, 2006. The following members will join Britney M. from Region 1, who will complete her term as Treasurer, and Curtina K. from Region 4, who will complete her term as Co-Chair:
Region 1: Asia J., Cherish C., Jackie S.
Region 2: Melissa R., Vanessa P., Megan D.
Region 3: Shelby E., Demetrice W., Dennis S.
Region 4: Muhammad A., Britney C., Peaches S.
Region 5: Lakisha T., Antwan B., Piffanie L.
Region 6: Kandus S.
SaySo is also promoting several events and celebrating the achievements of various SaySo members:
SaySo Survivor
SaySo will sponsor a leadership retreat on May 5-7, 2006 at Camp Chestnut Ridge to kick off Foster Care Month. The purpose of this retreat is to help foster youth identify their personal resiliencies and learn how they can use their strengths to help other youths survive and thrive in the system.
SaySo Page Week
Beginning May 15, 2006, 18 SaySo members will spend a week in Raleigh working side-by-side state lawmakers. They will stay with local host families and work in the Senate, House, and Governor’s page programs. Although foster youths are able to participate in the page programs whenever the legislative sessions are active, this concentrated week connects our policy makers directly with foster youths.
Alumni Mentoring Program
We are seeking youths preparing to age out and foster alumni who are on their own to participate in the SaySo Alumni Mentoring Program. This is a program to bolster support for foster youths as they move out on their own with the support of someone “who’s been there.” Please encourage appropriate youths to contact Melinda Medina (800/820-0001; melinda.medina@ ilrinc.com) for more information.
National Independent Living Association
We are pleased to announce that for the fifth consecutive year a SaySo youth has been named to the NILA Advisory Board. This year it is Antwan Bynum, who is serving his third term on the SaySo board and is also a freshman at NC Wesleyan College. The NILA board is comprised of adults and youths from around the country who are invested in improving the lives of foster youths. Congratulations Antwan. We are so proud of you!
Young Woman of Achievement Award
Julia Charles, a 22-year-old SaySo member and Guilford College student, recently won the 2006 Young Woman of Achievement Award. At a banquet sponsored by Greensboro’s Commission on the Status of Women and attended by businesswomen, entrepreneurs, and even a congresswoman, Julia was recognized for her work with SaySo and the Guilford County DSS LINKS program.
When asked what it was like to receive this award Julia said, “I was more excited about the attention that LINKS and SAYSO received than I was about receiving the actual award. That’s not to say I was not honored. I was taken aback at the nomination, so to win—WOW! I hope it will result in some great things for young people in care, at least in North Carolina.”
For More Information
Visit SaySo’s website (www.saysoinc.org) for an update on its Make a Difference Day/Give a Child a Smile project.
Become a Member
SaySo is moving and growing. We currently have 287 members. Be a part of our organization! Joining SaySo is free and easy! You’ll be sent a membership card, six annual newsletters, and current information on programs and resources for foster teens. You must be between 14 and 24 years old and be/have been in foster care. If you are interested, e-mail your name, date of birth, address, city, zip code, phone, and email address to <[email protected]>.
Copyright � 2006 Jordan Institute for Families