Vol. 10, No. 2 May 2006
We Want Your Input about Foster Family Licensing
We want to hear from the experts!
The NC Division of Social Services
will soon develop a handbook for
foster family home licensing workers
from North Carolina’s public and
private agencies. The guide will
describe policy and best practice
around licensing, foster parent
training and support, and
If you are a “regular” or
therapeutic foster parent in North Carolina you
have already been through the
licensing process, and probably
the reclicensing process as well.
As a result, you may have
insights into the licensing process
or opinions about what should be
included in a guide for licensing
workers. We hope you will take a few
minutes to share your ideas with us by
completing a brief online survey.
To take this survey, click here. Thanks in advance for your help!
Copyright � 2006 Jordan Institute for Families