This Issue









Vol. 1, No. 1 • Spring 1997

Helping Your Kids Behave While Shopping
Prevent Child Abuse (1996)

Plan Ahead...
Check attitudes--is your child too tired too
hungry to shop? Are you? If so, postpone your trip
or find a sitter.

Agree on rules--Before entering the store say: "Stay
close to me" or "Use your quiet voice."

Agree on rewards--for good behavior, give a choice of one snack food or a stop at the park. Promise to read a book or play a game at home. Keep it simple, and be sure to follow up.

At the Mall...
Make a game of it--"Who can see the shoe store first?" "Who is wearing green?" "Which sign begins with a 'T'?"

Choices--When possible, allow your child to make a choice or decision: "Blue or red socks?"

Play--"I see something." Ask the child to guess what it is.

Praise your child--"You are so helpful!" "You are making good choices today!"

If All Else Fails..
Ignore misbehavior--unless it becomes dangerous, destructive, or annoying to others.

Remove children who are out of control--Take children to the rest room or out of the store. Tell them quietly, eyeball to eyeball, that this behavior is not okay. Tell them what you would like them to do instead.

Wait--for the child to calm down. Say nothing else. Then ask if he or she is ready to try again.

Go home--if the child cannot calm down. Find a sitter and return alone.

Copyright 1996 Prevent Child Abuse NC, reprinted with permission.

Copyright 2000 Jordan Institute for Families