This Issue









Vol. 2, No. 1 • Fall 1997

I am a Foster Mother

One is under the table, one asleep in bed
Two are having a "free for all"
And one has dumped breakfast on his head.
The phone is ringing off the wall
Someone's at the door
Clothes are piled up in the hall
and I need things from the store.
It's hardly time to think,
for it's always one thing or another.
No, I'm not the lady who lived in the shoe,
I'm just a foster mother.

One needs a hug, one needs a change
and one wants to chat.
One has hid and I can't find him
and two are chasing the cat.
I've blown my diet, so with Twinkie in hand
I sit a minute and wonder
on all the blessings that have come my way:
you see, I'm foster mother.

--Frances Hutson, Wake County, North Carolina

Copyright 2000 Jordan Institute for Families