This Issue









Vol. 2, No. 2 • Spring 1998

A Dozen Suggestions to Prevent a Poisoning

  1. Take medicines only when it is necessary and be sure to follow directions on the label.

  2. Since children mimic adults, avoid taking medications in their presence.

  3. Never call medicine candy. Children can become seriously ill if they eat that kind of "candy."

  4. Keep all medicines in containers with safety closures. Be sure to properly replace the closure after each use.

  5. When the patient recovers, dispose of any unused medication immediately.

  6. Do not take medicine prescribed for someone else.

  7. Household products should always be stored in their original containers.

  8. Follow the warnings on the label of all hazardous products.

  9. Children should be taught to eat and drink only food. If they are not sure, they should ask an adult.

  10. Store medicines and household products separate from food and keep them out of sight or reach of the children.

  11. Have Syrup of Ipecac at home for use if it is recommended by a physician or the Poison Control Center.

  12. If you suspect a poisoning, call your physician or the Poison Control Center immediately. (Record its phone number along with police and fire and post by phone.
Issued from the Cleveland, Ohio Poison Control Center.


Copyright 2000 Jordan Institute for Families