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Vol. 3, No. 2 • Spring 1999

My Garden
by Cindy Holman

My garden offers fertile soil
where beautiful flowers may grow,
The rain and the sun, and the grace
from my Father
take part in making this so.

I take special care as I place it with my own hand.
And then, if I pull all the weeds that would smother,
the seed will begin to expand.

The roots dig deep and the plants grow tall,
and the buds do finally appear,
In that wondrous moment when life is unfolding,
I understand why I am here.

My home is a bountiful garden,
and I nurture each seed that is sown.
I pull away hurts that have stifled the growth
of one who has never been shown...

That life can be such a blessing!
And, each day should be full of sweet smiles.
The blossoms that hang on the branches I tend,
mean I've bettered the life of a child.

Copyright 2000 Jordan Institute for Families