Vol. 7, No. 2 May 2003
Agency Role in Building and Supporting Foster Parent Birth Parent
by Heather L. Craig-Oldsen
welfare agencies will trust foster parents to care for children quite
autonomously 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, yet not trust them with
information critical to the therapeutic care of the child.
Today most
child welfare agencies talk about teamwork, partnership, and collaboration.
Too frequently, though, collaboration moves no further than the talk
stage. This is probably more an artifact of organizational structure
and policy than lack of skills or desire. For example, interpretation
of confidentiality policy and/or law can unduly limit a foster parents
access to information about the families of the children in their care
and in some cases to peer support. Foster parents caring for children
who have been sexually abused should know specifics about who the abuser
was, the time of day the abuse occurred, where it occurred and under
what circumstances. This helps foster parents manage trigger
situations with the child and support the birth familys efforts
to heal in practical ways.
In order
to assure that organizational structure does not get in the way of collaborations
between foster parents and birth families, child welfare managers need
to ask two important questions: 1) What policies, practices, and structures
discourage collaboration in my agency? 2) What policies, practices,
and structures encourage collaboration?
A recent
survey of foster parents and agency staff revealed the following factors
as contributing to poor collaboration:
of clarity regarding the foster parents collaborative role
in building positive alliances with the parents of children in their
care. Anecdotal evidence reveals numerous cases of foster parents being
told that they do not need to participate in foster care review meetings,
or, worse, that they are not allowed to participate in foster care reviews.
Agency staff, foster parent guides, and training programs should repeatedly
clarify the important role of foster parents in building positive alliances
with the parents of children in their care.
training. Separate training of CPS workers, foster care staff,
adoption staff, foster parents and adoptive parents can discourage collaboration.
Joint training is not meant to suggest that everyone is trained to do
everything. Rather, joint training would illustrate how the different
parts of the system can work together to develop alliances with families
to protect their children.
about due process and available administrative support. Some
foster parents do not understand due process and the administrative
support available for foster parents. This lack of understanding often
contributes to fear that children will be removed if staff disagree
with the way foster parents express needs, confront issues, etc.
With the
reduced time frames associated with ASFA, building an organizational
structure that supports early collaboration between foster parents and
birth parents is essential to ensuring timely permanence, as well as
the well-being of children. These strategies will help encourage collaborations
between foster parents and birth parents.
Every agency
should have a clear statement of rights and responsibilities of all
stakeholders, as in the Tennessee Bill of Rights for Foster Parents,
which was promulgated into law last year. (See www.state.tn.us;
see also the N.C. Foster Parents Associations proposed
foster parents bill of rights in this issue.)
A foster
parent trained in policy and procedures, and established as a volunteer
with the administrative agency, can effectively serve as a liaison for
other foster parents in times of fear, lack of communication, and violation
of policy. Tennessee has established this volunteer position successfully.
Additionally a foster parent advocate or ombudsman position in the state
office has been effective in Tennessee.
Staff and
foster parents should be encouraged to voice differing opinions without
fear of reprisal. Foster parents who suspect reprisal must have access
to a fair hearing and knowledge of due process.
Team or
unit management of a case from opening to closing is an innovative strategy
and structure for building collaboration. Where team or unit management
is not possible, develop clear practice guidelines about communication
and transferring information that involves the family, current worker
or resource family, and the transitional/newly-assigned worker and/or
resource family.
A staff
person assigned to work with every foster/adoptive parent association
can contribute to collaboration generally.
difficult in these fiscally tight times, funding for collaborative activities
for foster parents, parents, and staffsuch as social functions
and mealscontributes to collaboration. One agency in Sioux City,
Iowa, has set aside money for foster parents and birth parents to go
out for a meal together, to build a collaborative relationship without
the pressures of the agency setting. Sioux City also funded joint support
groups for foster parents and parents of children in foster care.
If collaboration
is an expected practice, then clear role and practice expectations about
collaboration must be stated by every supervisor to every staff person.
Also, each supervisor must develop a system for monitoring ways the
collaboration expectations are being met, or not being met. Finally,
every supervisor should develop and use a feedback system for workers
and resource parents relative to collaboration practice.
Joint training
of CPS staff, foster care staff, adoption staff and foster/ adoptive
parents should be standard. It is more likely that various staff members
will be trained together than it is that foster parents will be trained
collaboratively with staff. Some specific and unique training sessions
are obviously designed for specific functions. However, any training
that relates to collaborative work with children and families should
be attended by foster parents as well as staff. If birth parents can
be involved as resources for the training, they should.
it is important to develop a clear mission statement focusing on collaboratively
helping families make effective decisions regarding safety, well being
and timely permanence. A clear statement of roles and responsibilities
of resource families and staff in accomplishing goals through collaboration
will emerge from a clear mission statement. Using the mission statement,
as well as the role and responsibility statements will serve as a focus
for determining accomplishments and success at every staff meeting or
training in any agency supported meeting.
Not so many
years ago I spoke at a foster parent conference in a Midwestern state.
It was, in fact, the first foster parent conference ever held in that
state, in part due to an interpretation of confidentiality policy. Up
until that time some decision makers interpreted the confidentiality
policy to mean that foster parents names could not be published
in any way. Consequently, foster parents could not organize and meet
together. Foster parents throughout the state were not allowed to have
any contact with parents of children in their care. As I spoke with
one foster parent after another I discovered that many of those foster
parents were risking their licenses by secretly meeting with the parents
of the children in their care. Those foster parents knew that collaboration
with parents is goodgood for the foster parents and good for the
child in foster care.
Craig-Oldsen, is Director of Program Development for the Child Welfare
© 2002
by Child Welfare Institute, 3950 Shackleford Road, Suite 175, Duluth,
GA 30096, tel: 770-935-8484; fax: 770-935-0344; <http://www.gocwi.org>.
Used with permission.
Copyright �
2003 Jordan Institute for Families