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Here's a Chance to Express Yourself!

Are you someone who is or has been in foster care? Would you like a chance to share your ideas and artistic talents with the foster parents and social workers who read Fostering Perspectives? If you answered yes to these questions, consider submitting a drawing, poem, essay, or other work of self-expression for publication in this newsletter. If your work is published in the newsletter, you will also receive a small cash award. Mail your submission to: John McMahon, Jordan Institute for Families, 340 Victoria Rd., Pines Bldg., Room 403, Asheville, NC 28801. Artwork should be mailed flat (unfolded) on white, unlined paper. Include your name, age, address, social security number (used to process awards only, your confidentiality will be protected) and phone number.


Copyright � 2002 Jordan Institute for Families