Vol. 7, No. 2 May 2003
to Adoption in North Carolina
1. Choose
an Adoption Agency
There are typically no fees to adopt a waiting child through any DSS
or licensed child-placing agency contracted through the State of North
2. Submit
an Application
To begin the process, you will first complete an application for adoption
at the agency you select. The agency will ask about your family and
the types of children that you would like to parent.
3. Complete
the Preplacement Assessment
You will participate in a series of family consultations with a social
worker to help you understand both the adoption process and your responsibilities
as an adoptive parent. Your agency may require you to take special preparation
and selection classes to become an adoptive parent. (Most licensed North
Carolina foster parents already meet this requirement.)
4. Work
with Your Social Worker to Find the Right Child
Once your preplacement assessment is completed, your social worker will
work with you to locate a child whose needs can be met in your family.
5. Visit
with Your Child
Once a child has been identified for you, a visiting plan is set up
so that the child and family can get to know each other before a placement
is made.
6. Bring
Your Child Home
All children, even young children, will have some adjustment problems
when they join a new family. Your social worker should be there to support
7. Supervisory
North Carolina law requires your child to be in your home at least three
to six months before the adoption process can be legally completed.
8. Legalize
the Adoption in Court
It is recommended that you use an attorney for filing the legal proceedings.
The legal fees can be reimbursed for waiting children.
To learn
more about this process, visit http://www.dhhs.state.nc.us/dss/adopt/steps.html
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2003 Jordan Institute for Families