Vol. 8, No. 2 May 2004
Placement: Research to Practice
within the child welfare system sometimes keep siblings apart when they
enter foster care. However, the authors of Siblings and Out-of-Home
Placement: Best Practices suggest these barriers can be identified
and minimized. The article, which appears in the October-December 2003
issue of Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services,
summarizes existing research on sibling relationships in families where
children have been abused and neglected, discusses the conditions that
sometimes lead to separation, and offers practical solutions to support
maintaining sibling relationships during placement.
The authors
suggest that the first step to removing barriers to sibling placement
is for child welfare agencies to establish a policylike North
Carolinasthat states that, absent a compelling reason,
siblings should always be placed together when they enter foster care.
A second
step should be the active recruiting of foster and adoptive families
that are willing to accept siblings. Knowing how to obtain waivers,
such as when space or family size becomes an issue, can be essential.
the article offers a multidimensional assessment tool to assist caseworkers
in evaluating the following issues in sibling cases:
- The sibling relationship
- Safety, including risk
- Benefits to children
of keeping siblings together
- Benefits to children
of separating siblings
- Childrens wishes
and expectations
- Available families
The full
text of Siblings and Out-of-Home Placement: Best Practices
can be found on the Alliance for Children and Families website at <www.alliance1.org/fis/>.
from the Childrens Bureau Express, March 2004. <http://cbexpress.acf.hhs.gov/>