Vol. 8, No. 2 May 2004
the Hormonally Challenged: Foster and Adopted Teens and Sexuality
by Denise
Goodman, PhD
Many parents
feel overwhelmed or tentative about the prospect of dealing with their
teenagers emerging sexuality. For many foster, relative, and adoptive
parents, this task is complicated by the fact that the youth may have
been sexually abused as a younger child. The following points provide
a good foundation for parenting teens around sexuality issues:
Be comfortable with your own sexuality and theirs, too.
Too often, adults
are paralyzed when it comes to discussing sexuality with teens. Teens
are sexual beings and since birth have been growing sexually as well
as cognitively, physically, socially, morally, and emotionally. However,
the influx of hormones and the onset of puberty put sexual growth in
the forefront of the youths developmental processes. While there
are many normal behaviors during this stage, promiscuity,
sexual aggression, and gender identity issues may be signals that the
youth is dealing with past abuse issues.
Build trust.
Teens who have been sexually abused often lack basic trust in adults.
They may be scared of the dark, the bathroom, the basement, or a medical
examination. It is critical that parents be supportive by accompanying
the teen to the doctors office or by installing night lights (without
drawing attention to the teens fear). Teenagers need to know that
they can count on consistency, honesty and support from their parents
to make them feel safe and secure.
Set clear boundaries.
Sexually abused youth have had their basic physical boundaries violated.
Foster, relative, and adoptive parents must work to restore them. Clear
boundaries that apply to all family members must be set for dress, privacy,
and physical touch:
DRESS: Examples for dress
are that every family member must be covered when coming out of the
bathroom or bedroom, no coming to breakfast in your underwear, and
the youth cant see company without proper clothing. Support
and encouragement during shopping trips can assist in more appropriate
clothing selections.
PRIVACY: Examples for
re-establishing a sense of privacy are knocking or warning before
entering bedrooms and bathrooms and making rules about when its
okay to close doors. Another rule of privacy is that no one listens
to anothers phone conversations or opens anothers mail.
must approach physical touch with caution, and caregivers should avoid
any contact that could be misconstrued as abuse. The parent should
gain the teens permission to hug or touch him or her. Rules
for touch should generally be that ok touches are above
the shoulder and below the knee, and the youth should have the power
to decline any physical affection or touch.
Learn to talk with teens about sex.
To assist youth in
dealing with their victimization or to support their normal sexual growth
and development, parents must use the correct language and not slang
names or euphemisms. Parents who avoid conversations about sexuality
force teens to learn from unreliable and inaccurate sources such as
their peers, siblings, or the media. Parents can think about the five
toughest questions they could be asked and prepare answers so that if
the opportunity presents itself, they will be prepared.
Educate the youth.
It is important to give teenagers accurate information about sex, sexuality,
and human reproduction. This may be difficult for parents who may feel
education will lead to sexual intercourse and experimentation. However,
teens need information, not taboos. Sexually abused children need to
learn about the emotional side of sex, as they have been prematurely
exposed to the physical side of sex. Both boys and girls need to learn
about birth control and sexually transmitted diseases. Parents can seek
help from community agencies such as Planned Parenthood and Family Planning.
Use the 3 CS in an emergency.
It is not uncommon for a parent to encounter a sexual situation
that involves their teen. Consequently, all parents must be prepared
to handle these incidents as therapeutically as possible.
CALM: The parent must
remain calm while confronting the situation, even if it requires getting
calm or faking calm. When parents are in control of themselves, they
are able to use more effective strategies to handle the situation.
CONFRONT: The parent must
confront any behaviors that are unacceptable. This information should
be given specifically and gently without threatening or shaming. Too
many times parents say, Dont do that or Stop
it without being specific. Teens can become confused or ashamed
if they are not confronted directly and supportively.
CORRECT: Since a teens
behavior is purposeful, the parent must offer the youth a substitute
behavior to use when the need arises. The parent should suggest alternatives
that are more acceptable and appropriate given the situation. When
the youth uses the alternative behavior, the parent should give positive
Parents must advocate for the needs of their children. Teens who have
been sexually victimized may need a variety of services; therefore,
the foster, adoptive, or kin parent should advocate with the social
worker, agency, or the mental health center until the services are in
place. This may mean that the parent calls every week or even every
day and leaves messages. The parent may need to contact managers or
administrators to obtain services for their teen. In other words, keep
asking until you get what you need for your child.
Sexuality is a normal part of human growth and development. Every teen,
including you and me, struggled to figure out who we were as sexual
beings. Todays teens are bombarded with sexual stimuli in music,
on TV, in the movies, and on the radio. Coupled with a past history
of sexual abuse, it can be a daunting task for a teen to come to terms
with who they are sexually. Be supportive and understanding...and remember,
a sense of humor goes a long way.
Goodman, PhD is an adoption consultant and trainer with 25 years experience
in child welfare, protective services, and foster parenting. She currently
conducts workshops and consultations throughout the U.S. on topics related
to foster care and adoption. Address: 1824 Snouffer Road, Worthington,
OH, 43085. E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright �
2004 Jordan Institute for Families