
Vol. 9, No. 1 November 2004
Adoption in
North Carolina
Right now
there are hundreds of children in foster care in North Carolina who
are free for adoption. These children long for parents who can give
them a forever family. Heres a chance to learn about a few of
these great kids.
Brittany (d.o.b. 2/10/88)
Brittany is a comical young woman who is great fun to be around. She loves entertaining others and has big plans to be a singer, actress, or comedian. Brittany also enjoys writing poetry, drawing, and talking on the phone. Brittany is an A/B student when she puts forth the effort. Medication helps her maintain a level attitude. An adoptive parent for Brittany needs to be strong and provide her with structure, guidance, and love.
(NC #060-2115) |
Cameron (d.o.b. 10/6/94)
Cameron wins the hearts of all who meet him. Intelligent, creative, and curious about the world around him, Cameron is an eager learner with an abundance of energy. He has greatly benefited from therapy and medication, which help him concentrate and learn more appropriate ways of expressing his feelings. Cameron gets good grades in his regular classes at school. His foster family has helped him to thrive by providing him with the structure and boundaries he needs to succeed.
(NC #092-2079) |
Chris (d.o.b. 4/6/87)
His JROTC teacher says that Chris is a joy to be around. “He tries really hard to accomplish his goals.” Chris is good at drawing, woodworking, and anything he can do with his hands. He hopes to become a computer engineer and is fully capable of doing so. Chris is maturing and has shown tremendous improvement in managing his feelings this year. He is working on goals to improve his conduct and relationships with kids his own age. (NC #051-1838) |
Darius (d.o.b. 9/20/88)
His intelligence and conversational ability are what Darius’ foster mom likes most about him. He is always willing to help around the house, which is also a plus in her eyes. Darius would make a good entertainer and he hopes to be a model, singer, or actor. He attends regular classes at school where he receives average grades. His conduct has improved since moving into his current home. Darius would like a family to be loving, caring, and friendly and he would like to be the only child in the home. (NC #060-548) |
Jave’ (d.o.b. 12/16/90)
Jave’ is a sweet boy who enjoys listening to his foster mom’s grandchildren and hearing his foster mom’s voice when she holds him. He is unable to make his needs and desires known, so his foster mom must try to anticipate them. Jave’ receives speech therapy to help his chewing and swallowing reflexes. He also receives occupational therapy and physical therapy. Jave’ needs an adoptive family that can give him time and attention and meet all scheduled appointments for his health and well-being.
(NC #060-549) |
Justin (d.o.b. 6/24/91)
Justin is a happy boy who likes to make people laugh. His foster dad says he has a great sense of humor. He sees the potential in Justin and says, “He is still at an age where you can turn things around for him. I don’t see that in all the children.” Since living with his foster dad, Justin has made a tremendous turn-around in attitude and actions. He needs structure, stability, and a family that will spend time with him, encourage his academics, and give him the love and nurturing he deserves. (NC #092-1004) |
Larry (d.o.b. 10/17/90)
Larry is a happy and engaging boy with a bright outlook on life. He is loving, has a fantastic sense of humor, and is insightful. He seeks to make every opportunity a personal growth experience and has done remarkably well remaining positive. Larry is on the A/B honor roll and has committed to achieving certain goals in his life and he has been very successful. He is a charming, loving, and interesting young man whose positive attributes will become more evident when safety and stability are clearly in his environment. (NC #080-620) |
Rusty (d.o.b. 7/5/91)
Since coming into care Rusty has enjoyed activities he was never able to experience before. He loves the outdoors and had the opportunity to attend different summer camps and vacations. Rusty has made some tremendous improvements since coming into foster care. His teachers report that he is working hard and doing great in class. Rusty’s adoptive parents need to be positive role models, set consistent boundaries, and provide the love and support he needs. (NC #059-1239) |
Steven (d.o.b. 10/20/87)
Steven has made a lot of friends at school, but also enjoys being independent. He is very coordinated and loves playing the drums in his school’s band. He is even considering going to college to become a band teacher. Steven attends mainstream classes in school. Through successful counseling, his coping and social skills have improved dramatically, as have his conduct and attitude. Steven needs an adoptive family that will continue to encourage his positive progress, both intellectually and socially. (NC #026-2076) |
Sylvester (d.o.b 9/8/97)
Sweet, loving, and funny, Sylvester is an adorable boy with good manners. He currently takes drum lessons and has a talent for drawing. Sylvester attends a special preschool to assist with his development and give him the attention he needs to be successful. Speech classes help his articulation and he has made good progress. Sylvester needs a patient family willing to devote a lot of time and attention to him and his needs. (NC #026-2071) |
If you are
interested in these children or want to continue looking for the child
who is just right for your family, click on the image below, which will
take you to the official North Carolina adoption site sponsored by the
N.C. Division of Social Services and NC Kids.
Or, if you'd
like to speak with someone, call the NC Kids Adoption and Foster Care
Network, Toll-free hotline: 1-877-NCKIDS-1.
We hope
you will open your
heart and home by adopting one of North Carolinas waiting children.
Copyright �
2004 Jordan Institute for Families