Vol. 9, No. 1 November 2004
In-Service Training Credit for Reading this Newsletter!
If you are
a North Carolina foster parent you can enjoy reading Fostering Perspectives
and earn credit toward your relicensure. Just write down the answers
to the questions below and present them to your social worker. If your
answers are satisfactory, youll receive 30 minutes of credit toward
your in-service training requirement. If you or your licensing social worker have questions about this method of
gaining in-service credit, please contact the N.C. Division of Social Services
at 919/733-7672.
Quiz, FP v9#1
- Based on the letters from children that appear in this issue, what are four things kids in foster care look for in their social workers?
- What did Cheryl Walker learn from working with Rachel?
- When and where will the next NC Foster Parents Association conference be held? What is the theme of the event?
- How did race and culture affect George Duvall’s experiences in foster care?
- Describe the drawing by Andrea that appears in this issue. What is your reaction to it?
- According to the FSN-NC, what five things slow the process of adopting children from the foster care system in North Carolina?
- What is the web site address (URL) where North Carolina youth aging out of foster care can apply for a scholarship from the Orphan Foundation of America?
- Name one way North Carolina is trying to address the problem of turnover among county DSS child welfare social workers.
- Describe the good news and the not-so-good news contained in a recent JAMA article about babies exposed to crack cocaine.
- Name three books about parenting teens Becky Burmester would recommend.
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2004 Jordan Institute for Families