Vol. 9, No. 1 November 2004
Resources for Foster Parents Searching for Training
To remain licensed, every foster parent in North Carolina must attend 20 hours of in-service training every two years (NCDSS, 2004). For most foster parents this is not a problem—they are already on the lookout for ways to expand their knowledge and enhance their parenting skills so they can provide the best possible care to the children in their homes. |
To help them in this ongoing quest, Fostering Perspectives offers the following list of potential training resources. However, if you want your learning to count toward the training required for foster parent relicensure, it is a good policy always to check with your licensing worker first. Because your worker knows you, he or she may be able to direct you to training resources that are closely suited to your interests/needs. Furthermore, as a representative of your licensing agency, your worker has a tremendous amount of discretion when it comes to deciding what will and will not count for credit toward your relicensure. So, before investing time or money in training, check with your worker.
Training Resources for Foster and Adoptive Parents
Fostering Perspectives. Read an issue cover to cover, take the quiz in that issue, and present your answers to your licensing worker for 30 minutes credit toward your relicensure.
Your Supervising Agency. Ask your worker if there are upcoming agency-sponsored training events for licensed foster parents.
NC Foster Parents Association. Attending the next NCFPA conference, “Creating Happy Memories,” on April 15-17, 2005 in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, could meet all training requirements for an entire year. Learn about this and other NCFPA training opportunities at www.ncfpa.org.
Local Foster Parent Associations. Contact the association nearest you (it may be in a neighboring county) to find out if they have any training events scheduled.
FosterClub. Offers continuing education credits free at www.fosterclub.com/training. To learn more call 503/717-1552 or e-mail: [email protected].
Foster Parent College. Online courses available for $8, though to access these you will want to have an Internet connection faster than dial-up. Also available on DVD for $15 for personal use by parents, and $99 for group use by organizations. To learn more visit www.FosterParentCollege.com, call 800/777-6636, or e-mail [email protected].
Foster Care and Adoptive Community. Offers 61 courses. FCAC contracts with Oklahoma and Maine to provide online training to their foster families. Cost: $4–$6 per course. Go to: www.fosterparents.com.
Child Trauma Academy. Online courses on human development, childhood trauma, and the impact of working with high-risk children and families. At www.childtrauma academy.com.
NC Division of Social Services. (2004). Children’s services policy manual: Chapter 1213. Raleigh, NC: Author. Online <http://info.dhhs.state.nc.us/olm/manuals/dss/csm-40/man/CSs1213-03.htm#P164_17977>
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2004 Jordan Institute for Families