Vol. 9, No. 1 November 2004
letters from children about their social workers
The letters
you find here were submitted in response to the writing contest in volume
8, number 2 of Fostering Perspectives, which asked the question: Did you ever have a social worker you really liked?
What made that person special? These children received a Fostering Perspectives pen and letter for congratulations for having their letters
published in the online version of the newsletter. In some cases the
names of the children and others mentioned in their letters have been
changed to protect their confidentiality.
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age 6
I love to be in foster care because my foster parents care for me and Tasha and Adam. Chuck loves everyone, even Tasha and Eli and Adam, too. Momma loves Chuck, too, and Korri, our big sister. They care for us. I am waiting to be adopted but I do not want to leave Chuck and Karen. I have lived with them for four years. My mother is already sick and that is true. I miss my birth Mom. We can’t live with her because she couldn’t take care of us. If I get adopted I will still be in my foster parents’ hearts. Even if I am with somebody else I will still remember when I was with my foster parents and I will call them.
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Amber, age 14
[This is] my poem that I’ve wrote in memory of my birth Mom. DSS has worked with my family since I was four years old. I’ve been in and out of foster care since I was eight. My father, whom I don’t really know, [had his parental] rights terminated and Mother died two years ago. I’m 14 now and legally free for adoption. I am currently with a family who loves me very much and is in the process of adopting me within the next few months.
I enjoy reading your paper. It has many stories that I can relate to.
A memory drifts in
And takes me by surprise
In your eyes
The pain as intense
Each time I return
The loss
When will I ever learn
I feel your spirit sometimes
Your spirit close by
I shut my eyes
And wonder,
U left me—why?
Tears touch my face
I put my hand up
And there was none
No crying—somebody saying
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Kiara, age 9
My social worker was Miss Tina. She really did care for me. She understood me. She took me to many places to have fun. Before we moved up here she gave me two things: a horse and a punchbuggy. I still have them, but I lost a wheel from my punchbuggy. We played punchbuggy no punch back. She said that would be how she will remember me. I love her and she loves me! I like her the best.
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Diamond, age 15
Through my time in foster are I’ve gotten to know many people. I consider them all helpers. Since I’ve lived here in North Carolina I’ve had a total of two social workers (one from my home state). One does not have a greater impact on my life than the other. They both have helped me along through my times of need. All I can really say is that I am grateful to them and many more for all they’ve done for me, thank you.
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Marcus, age 10
My therapist is nice. My therapist is for talking and having fun while we talk. We play "Trouble" sometimes, and we play the "Talking Feeling Doing Game."
We talk about what kind of things do you do when something happens, like what would you do if your parents started fighting. When parents fight they should sit down and talk about it instead of fighting.
We talk about how I felt when I had to leave my grandmother and go to a foster home. My cousins and me were crying, but my little brother really didn’t know what was going on.
Since it’s over with I feel good, except I don’t like being away from my grandmother.
I like talking to my therapist because there’s not a lot of people I can talk to about that stuff.
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Miranda, age 13
Hi, my name is Miranda and I have been in foster care on and off most of my life. I was placed with my great grandmother until she became too sick to take care of me. That’s when I met Cynthia Shade Waller on September 13, 2002. She placed me in the best foster home in the entire world, and that’s at Tammy’s house.
Cynthia has always been there for me whenever I needed her. She became my favorite social worker out of all the others! Cynthia was special in all kinds of ways to me. She was kind, loving, sweet, caring, gentle, and most of all she encouraged and believed in me.
Because of Tammy and Cynthia I make good grades and cheer for my school. If it wasn’t for Cynthia placing me in Tammy’s home, I would still be moving around. I been with Tammy about two years now. Tammy is adopting me into a loving home and family.
Without Cynthia I would be lost and confused.
Since September 13, 2002 I became more mature and smart, and I ought to give Cynthia a great big thanks for placing me with Tammy.
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Hi, my name is Vincent and I am a foster child in Angie and Robbie’s foster home. They are pretty cool. I am writing this paper about my favorite social worker about such a great deed he does. Jeff McGraw is my favorite social worker. Every time I talk to anybody I say Jeff is my Hero. Any time I am in a situation that I can’t tell him how I feel he tells me that he won’t tell anybody. But that does not happen much because everything that is making me sad I can tell him because I am very confident in him.
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About four years ago I met a social worker named April Fowler. She was the best social worker I ever had. She was my first social worker. When I first seen Ms. April I did not know if she was mean or nice. But then I got to know her. She is a cool person to be around.
Ms. April was not like most of the other social workers in many ways. She was more like a friend that you could talk to when you need someone and know that they care.
I am so happy that social services has someone like Ms. April around. Without her, to me there is no social services.
Keep up the good work, Ms. April, so that other kids will know that you are the best social worker. Love, Vanessa
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Jessica, age 15
There was one social worker that I liked. That was Lauren Mallory . . . . She was an honest person and had a nice personality. She always gave me a chance to do something on my own. When I say she was an honest person, I mean she would speak her mind to anything that she needed to say. She wouldn’t “sugarcoat” or “beat around the bush” about anything. . . .
I really appreciate all of the help that I received from Mrs. Mallory. If Mrs. Mallory had never taken the time to stop and help me get off the streets and to stay in school, I think I would have ended in a different setting than this or be dead, one. Now I have been in school for a year. Mrs. Mallory has really turned my life around to be a better person and to be a good role model for younger children. This is why Mrs. Mallory is special to me.
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Tabatha, age 15
Kristy White is my social worker. She is the best in the business. I may not like her but she has done a lot for me and I have her to thank for my happiest birthday ever. . . . She took two hours off from work to take me to my Grandma’s house for my birthday. That is why she is my role model.
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Sheurka, age 16
I will always have a favorite social worker. Her name is Ms. Pecola Holley. Ms. Holley started off as my mentor when I was at least eight years old. At first we did not get along well, but after I saw that I could not run her away from me, and my temper tantrums were not working, that’s when I realized that Ms. Holley was not going anywhere.
So, I went to Plan B. I tried to embarrass her. Ms. Holley put me in check right then.
After a few years Ms. Holley’s relationship with me grew stronger every day. Ms. Holley is not only a social worker, she is willing to fight any challenge that involves her clients’ safety and well-being.
I feel that Ms. Holley is a positive role model. I feel that Ms. Holley is a good person inside and out, and she will always be, in my book. She has made a lot of changes in a lot of children’s lives in [my city]. I, Sheurka, commend Ms. Holley.
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Amanda, age 13
Amanda Wood was a good social worker to me because she helped me in a lot of ways. She always showed respect to others. She had helped me to respect other people when they respect me. She helped me by making sure I stayed out of trouble. She has been a positive role model on me so I won’t end up in trouble.
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James, age 17
On January 12, 2004 I became a client at the Baxter Street group home. That was the day I met Mrs. Mary Bynum. I was rude and disrespectful towards her and the other staff members working in the house that day. I was mad at the world for all the wrong reasons. Although I was an unpleasant person to be around, she has shown a great deal of patience when dealing with me. Even when I would be angry, she would still come and talk to me. She was my voice of comfort. She assured me that I would return to my family. I trust her because she has never let me down. Anytime I need advice she is there to give me input on how to handle a situation. In many respects, Mrs. Mary shows the qualities of my mother. She is always there to correct me when I’m wrong and acknowledge me when I’m right. I view Mrs. Mary as an honest, fair, strong-minded, and caring individual who is very emphathetic to the children she serves in this program. This is what makes Mary Bynum a special social worker.
Copyright �
2004 Jordan Institute for Families