Vol. 9, No. 2 May 2005
In-Service Training Credit for Reading this Newsletter!
If you are
a North Carolina foster parent you can enjoy reading Fostering Perspectives
and earn credit toward your relicensure. Just write down the answers
to the questions below and present them to your social worker. If your
answers are satisfactory, youll receive 30 minutes of credit toward
your in-service training requirement. If you or your licensing social worker have questions about this method of
gaining in-service credit, please contact the N.C. Division of Social Services
at 919/733-7672.
Quiz, FP v9#2
- Of the children who are adopted from foster care, what percentage are adopted by foster parents?
- Who can you call to find a foster or adoptive parent support group in your community?
- What are five of the strategies Gabby says are useful for dealing with angry feelings?
- Where did Chris Shaw work in February 2005?
- What are two ways you can become involved in “Undie Sunday”?
- What is the new name of the statewide foster parent association?
- According to David Pitonyak, what are the two most important ideas in his article?
- Name three of the dangers meth labs pose to children and families.
- What is the Alumni Mentoring program?
- As described in this issue, what resources are available to adoptive families in North Carolina?
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2005 Jordan Institute for Families