Vol. 9, No. 2 May 2005
SaySo Saturday celebrates seven years
by Melinda Medina
On Saturday March 5, 2005 over 135 young people and their adult supporters came together at Guilford Technical Community College to celebrate youth leadership, discuss issues relevant to foster teens, and celebrate SaySo’s seventh birthday.
A special guest, Senator Larry Shaw from Cumberland County, visited SaySo members. Senator Shaw spoke with the youth about the impact the SaySo Pages had on the General Assembly, particularly the Senate. Senator Shaw encouraged all the youth to continue to do good things, stay in school, and attend college.
Senator Shaw commented that given all the positive things members were doing, “You deserve our (General Assembly and citizens of North Carolia) help.” His comments evoked a standing ovation.
Both youths and adults attended workshops on influencing public policy, SaySo Page Week, public speaking, the expectations of being a SaySo Board member, and Make a Difference Day. SaySo will again sponsor “Give a Child a Smile” for Make a Difference Day 2005 in October. Be sure to look for more information and ways to help.
At this event SaySo also celebrated the birthdays of its eight local chapters:
- Moore County: 4 years
- Caldwell County: 3 ½ years
- Mecklenburg County: 3 ½ years
- Cumberland County: 3 years
- Wake County: 3 years
- Guilford County: 2 ½ years
- Onslow County: 1 year
- Catawba County: 6 months
We would like to wish all our local chapters a Happy Birthday and are eager to see more local chapters get started. If you are interested in starting your own local chapter please contact us.
SaySo also elected 15 new members to its 2005-2006 board. They will be commissioned at SaySo Orientation Weekend June 10-12, 2005. The following members will join Julia S. from Region 1 who will complete her term as secretary:
Region 1: Chi-Rese N., Cherish C., and Britney M.
Region 2: Melissa R.
Region 3: Hollyanne N., Laura S., and Shannon C.
Region 4: Curtina K., Vivian J., and Peaches S.
Region 5: Dionna B., Antwan B., and Ashley W.
Region 6: Kandus S. and Daniel S.
SaySo is also coordinating an alumni mentoring program especially for youth as they transition out of care toward adult life. We are looking for youth who are getting ready for that BIG STEP and would like the support of someone who was also in foster care and made the same transition. We are ready and eager to connect youth and alumni in the same community.
Contact us at SaySo, c/o ILR, Inc., 411 Andrews Rd., Ste. 230, Durham, NC 27705; t: 800/820-0001; e: [email protected]. You can also visit our updated website at <www.saysoinc.org>.
Copyright © 2005 Jordan Institute for Families