Vol. 14, No. 1 November 2009
In-Service Training Credit for Reading this Newsletter!
If you are
a North Carolina foster parent you can enjoy reading Fostering Perspectives
and earn credit toward your relicensure. Just write down the answers
to the questions below and present them to your social worker. If your
answers are satisfactory, youll receive 30 minutes of credit toward
your in-service training requirement. If you or your licensing social worker have questions about this method of
gaining in-service credit, please contact the N.C. Division of Social Services
at 919/334-1176.
Quiz, FP v14#1
- Describe three common myths about sibling placement and why they are not true.
- Name three ways that being separated from their siblings can affect children in foster care.
- Name three messages or lessons you take away from reading the essays from children on pages 1, 2, 8, and 12.
- Describe in detail what Youshell Williams’ sister did to help Youshell get her children back.
- What are four things parents can do to help reduce sibling rivalry?
- When and where will the next NC Foster and Adoptive Association conference be held? What steps can you take so that you can attend this event?
- What behaviors are associated with autism spectrum disorders?
- Who is eligible to participate in the NC Reach Program? What are the benefits of this innovative program?
- How can the Family Support Network help children with special needs and their families?
- Name four things parents can do to help children cope with ambiguous loss.
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2009 Jordan Institute for Families