Vol. 14, No. 1 November 2009
A Message from the President of the NC Foster and Adoptive Parent Association
by Stacey Darbee
The NC Foster and Adoptive Parent Association is a voice for foster, adoptive, and kinship parents in North Carolina. Our mission is to promote quality foster and adoptive services through collaborative advocacy, education, resources, reunification, and networking. We partner and advocate with others in the field of child welfare. There are over 12,000 potential members of this association. We need your support to make sure your voice is heard. Join today!
Meet the 2009-2010 Board of Directors
Stacey Darbee - President
Wanda Douglas - Secretary
Paul Roodhuyzen - Treasurer
Tammy Mitchell - Historian
Co-Wefa Lyda - Region 1 VP
Joanne Light - Region 2 VP
Kim Stewart - Region 3 VP
Chris Powers - Region 4 VP
Board Members
Terry Cross - Region 1
Julia McInnis - Region 2
Shenita Miller - Region 2
Sandra Williams-Ayers - Region 3
Aaryn Fazakerly - Region 4
Chip Thompson - Region 4
Welcome new members and sincere thanks to former members Gregg Childers and Crystal Merritt for their dedication and hard work in prior years! If you’d like to look into becoming a member of the NCFAPA board please go to <www.ncfapa.org> to apply.

Special Award Presented at 2009 Conference
A special award was presented to Ms. Donna Foster for outstanding service to foster and adoptive families in our state. NC Foster Parent of the Year award went to Jessie and Arthur Kelley of Moore County. The award for Adoptive Parent of the Year went to Claire Duclos, also of Moore County. Congratulations to all!
Legislative News
NCFAPA continues to make the general assembly aware that foster and adoptive families are paying attention to what is happening in Raleigh and to advocate on your behalf. When the first draft of the state budget reduction was published this summer, it proposed to eliminate the new foster care board rate increase we fought so hard to obtain. Members e-mailed, called, and showed up in Raleigh. NCFAPA also supported the Covenant with NC Children’s legislative agenda and had great support from other agencies as well. We were at press conferences and sitting in sessions along with other child and family advocacy groups. We walked the halls of the legislative buildings and spoke to anyone who would listen. Ultimately, the new foster care board rate increase was saved!
Copyright � 2009 Jordan Institute for Families