Vol. 14, No. 1 November 2009
Have You Heard about NC Reach?
Our state’s NC Reach program provides college funding and support services to young people adopted from North Carolina DSS foster care after the age of 12 and those who age out of the system at 18. Benefits include:
Funding. NC Reach provides last dollar funding after all federal, state, and private dollars have been applied, to ensure that students can the meet the cost of attendance at community colleges or four-year public schools.
Mentoring. Be matched with a volunteer online mentor based on your professional, academic, and personal interests and goals.
Workshops. You must attend at least one workshop every semester. Topics relate to school, work, and home life.
Academic Support. Participants are coached by NC Reach staff; if they fall below a 2.0 GPA they are enrolled in a program for intensive academic support.
Internships. NC Reach coaches students on finding and successfully applying for internships in their communities and across North Carolina.
Eligibility Requirements
- Applicants must have aged out of North Carolina’s DSS foster care system at age 18 or have been adopted from the system after the age of 12.
- Applicants must be considered residents of North Carolina for tuition purposes.
- Applicants must attend a North Carolina state university or community college. For a list of eligible schools, visit www.northcarolina.edu.
- Participants must maintain a 2.0 GPA on a four-point scale and be making “satisfactory progress” towards a degree.
For further information or to enroll, visit www.ncreach.org.
Copyright � 2009 Jordan Institute for Families