
Vol. 16, No. 2 May 2012
What Birth Families Want from CFTs
In focus groups North Carolina birth family members have said they want the following in connection with CFTs.
Before the Meeting
- Give me a chance to share my story
- Help me find my informal supports so they can come to the meeting
- Educate yourself about my child’s illnesses or my situation, don’t just say you don’t know
- No surprises—make sure I know beforehand what we will be talking about at my meeting
- Don’t have the meeting unless I can come
- Work with me to set up a time that I can be present at the meeting; be sensitive to my needs
- Recognize my feelings (e.g., angry, scared, tired of the mess)
- Help me understand my options and how the meeting works
- Listen to what I’m saying and explore why I am saying it
At the Meeting
- Allow me to introduce myself to the team
- Talk to me, not about me
- Monitor your tone of voice
- Call me by my name, not “mom,” “dad,” or “the youth”
- Make sure I have someone there I feel will support me
- Use words I can understand
- Use humor to make me feel safe
- Speak to me and my child as if we’re part of the solution, not like we are the problem
- Help me to meet my immediate needs first (e.g., housing, transportation, child care, food, lights)
- Remind me of my family’s strengths and build on them
- Provide needed services, not just mandated services—don’t waste time on services that won’t help my family
- Know what the family has to do in all of the agency plans so we can come up with one plan
- Listen to my needs and my family’s needs
- Use visual prompts so I can follow better
- Tell the truth
- Let me explain why I behave the way I do
- Let us speak more
- Be open to our questions and opinions
- Make the meeting more active and fun
- Everyone who says they’ll attend must be there
- Ask for information—don’t assume you know the answers
- Know that I’m doing what I know to do
After the Meeting
- Respect my confidentiality—don’t talk about me to others
- Allow me the opportunity to call meetings when I feel I need to
- All team members need to be held accountable, not just the parents
Source: NCSOC, 2007
~ Family and Children's Resource Program, UNC-CH School of Social Work ~