
Vol. 17, No. 1 November 20112
Help Us Find Families for These Children
For more information on these children or adoption in general, call the
NC Kids Adoption and Foster Care Network at 1-877-NCKIDS-1, www.adoptnckids.org.
Alexis (age 14)
Alexis is creative, sweet, and affectionate. Although she gets along well with her peers, she can take a while to warm up to new people. Once she gets to know someone, she likes to give hugs as a greeting. Alexis likes to look nice and enjoys getting her hair and nails done. She likes to sing, skate, and ride her bike. She enjoys playing with her dolls, making clothes for them and pretending she is teaching them. She also likes to play video and board games. She enjoys listening to rap and gospel music and loves basketball.
Andrew (age 15)
Andrew is a loving boy who appreciates everything people do for him. He loves flowers and walking in the park. Andrew has excellent manners and shows appropriate behavior most of the time. When he messes up, he tends to call his social worker, confess, and get back on track. Andrew needs a forever family that consist of a mother and a father who are both available in the evening. Andrew should be the only child or the youngest child in his adoptive family.
Brianna (age 14)
Brianna is a caring and affectionate young lady who likes to be helpful. She is friendly, outgoing, engaging, and very likable. Brianna loves to dance and lip synch to the music. She is an excellent communicator and likes to be around people. Brianna enjoys being in Girl Scouts, playing sports, and playing with her stuffed animals and dolls. Thinking about her future, Brianna say, "I want to be a veterinarian or a doctor. I'd also like to be a police woman. I'd like to work with kids who have problems like me. I dream of growing up to be a good mom to my own children.
Drexton (age 13)
Drexton is an animated young man with a great laugh and a good imagination. He responds well to a structured, calm environment where he can feel safe. Drexton enjoys football, basketball, watching TV, cars, and coloring. His favorite TV shows are Sponge Bob Squarepants and "Smack Down." He is not a picky eater and typically likes to eat anything except squash. The type of music he enjoys most is rap, especially Lil Wayne. He loves animals and would like a family that will allow him to have a cat.
Ethan (age 14)
Handsome, intelligent, unique, quirky, and inquisitive, Ethan gets along well with all people in his life and never meets a stranger. Initially slow to trust, once Ethan feels comfortable, he really opens up. His hobbies include playing video games and reading. He enjoys playing baseball and likes camping, hiking, picnics, and fishing. Some of his favorite outings are going to the beach and to the lake. His favorite movies are the Harry Potter, Star Wars, and the Lord of the Rings series. He likes to listen to classic rock. His favorite foods include pizza, cooked carrots, broccoli, and sweet potatoes.
Katie (age 17)
Katie is an awesome young lady who tries to hide her true feelings until she builds a trusting relationship. Friendly and likeable, Katie would like to be a photographer, writer, or both.
Isaiah (age 16)
Isaiah loves basketball and enjoys time spent perfecting his game. He has a gift for creative writing and is talented with poetry and drawing. Those around Isaiah describe him as charming, talented, quirky and expressive. He would fit well in a home with or without children. |
James (age 14)
James has a great sense of humor and loves to laugh. Clever, animated, loving, and helpful are just some of the adjectives to describe James' personality. He loves to be outdoors, enjoys watching Animal Planet, and likes playing basketball and football. James is an endearing child who needs the reassurance that he is lovable, capable, and worthwhile. |
Robert (age 15)
Robert is a good kid--funny, innocent, outgoing yet occasionally bashful. He likes to draw, listen to music, watch movies, and go bowling. Robert wants to attend college and, with proper guidance, he will be a successful adult. Robert wants to be adopted and become a part of a family that will teach him and spend time with him. |
Zeke (age 12) and Maddy (age 14)
Siblings, Zeke and Maddy are good kids with many endearing qualities. They both enjoy sports, electronics, and reading. Maddy and Zeke are loving children that get along well with friends, in family life, and in school. Continued contact with some of their birth family will add to Zeke and Maddy's success. |

Please don't let our children grow up without families. A simple act from you could help one of these children find their forever home. With just a few minutes of your time, you could make a HUGE difference in their life. Take this page of child profiles and:
Post on the bulletin board at church, YMCA, or place of employment.
Share it with your book or rotary club members.
Forward it electronically to family and friends using the link http://www.fosteringperspectives.org/fpv17n1/waiting.htm
Share it during your next PTA or support group meeting.