Vol. 19, No. 1 November 2014
Prize: $100
Second Prize: $50
Third Prize: $25
If you are under 18 and are or have been in foster care, please send us a letter or short essay in response to the following questions:
Parenting can be hard work. What do your foster, adoptive, or kinship parents do to take care of themselves so they can do a good job taking care of you?
February 3, 2015
Anyone under 21 who is or has been in foster care or
a group home can enter. E-mail your submission to [email protected] or send it via U.S. Mail your entry to:
John McMahon,
Fostering Perspectives
Jordan Institute for Families
UNC-CH School of Social Work
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3550
Include your name, age,
address, social security number (used to process awards only, your
confidentiality will be protected) and phone number. In addition to
receiving the awards specified above, winners will have their work
published in the next issue of Fostering Perspectives. Runners-up
may also have their work published, for which they would also receive
a cash award.
Also Seeking Artwork and Other Writing from Children and Teens in Foster Care
Submissions can be on any theme. No deadline: submit your work at any time. If sent via U.S. Mail, artwork should be mailed
flat (unfolded) on white, unlined paper.
~ Family and Children's Resource Program, UNC-CH School of Social Work ~