Vol. 19, No. 1 November 2014
SaySo Update
by Lauren Zingraff, SaySo Executive Director
Every year on the 4th Saturday in October, SaySo participates in Make A Difference Day. The largest day of volunteerism in the United States, Make A Difference Day is sponsored by USA Today & the Newman Foundation.
Collecting New and Gently Used Duffles
Many young people are forced to carry their personal belongings in trash bags. This is a problem that can be fixed.
As part of Make A Difference Day, for the last several years SaySo has collected new and gently used duffle bags for young people in foster care.
We are asked regularly if we still accept donations after October every year and the answer is "YES"! We are always happy to have items to donate, such as unopened toiletries, school supplies, and other home items (new sheets or towels) throughout the year.
There is always a need at the holidays. Also, many older youth have little when graduating from high school and hopefully going to college.
You can do a drive to collect duffle bags in your community, your workplace, school, or church. You can help out young people in foster care in your area of North Carolina and donating the items to your local county NC LINKS Coordinator.
For more information, contact SaySo (800/820-0001; [email protected]).
Save the Date
What: 2015 SaySo Saturday, to celebrate SaySo turning 17 years old!
When: March 7, 2015
Where: Guilford Tech Community College, Jamestown Location
SaySo, Strong Able Youth Speaking Out, is a statewide, North Carolina-based association of youth aged 14 to 24 who are or have been in out-of-home care. This includes all types of substitute care, including foster care, group homes, and mental health placements.
"To work to improve the substitute care system by educating the community, speaking out about needed changes, and providing support to youth who are or have been in substitute care."
SaySo, Inc
Tel: 800/820-0001 (toll-free)
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.saysoinc.org
~ Family and Children's Resource Program, UNC-CH School of Social Work ~