Vol. 19, No. 2 May 2015
In-Service Training Credit for Reading this Newsletter!
If you are
a North Carolina foster parent you can enjoy reading Fostering Perspectives
and earn credit toward your relicensure. Just write down the answers
to the questions below and present them to your licensing social worker. If your
answers are satisfactory, youll receive 30 minutes of credit toward
your in-service training requirement. If you have questions about this method of
gaining in-service credit, ask your worker.
Quiz, FP v19#2
- Create a self-care plan listing two things you will do every day to take care of yourself and two things you will do weekly or monthly.
- What is secondary traumatic stress? How is it relevant to resource parents?
- Describe three signs of possible secondary traumatic stress you might see in your social worker.
- What struck you about reading Bob DeMarco's reflection about his ongoing journey as a foster dad?
- If you were to call a self-care CFT, who would you invite?
- List four talking points that can be helpful when you are caring for a child whose parents struggle with drugs or alcohol.
- What suggestions does Donna Foster have for introducing yourself to a birth parent for the first time?
- What is SaySo Survivor Weekend and how can it be helpful to youth in foster care?
- What advice does this issue give to foster parents who are thinking about switching to another agency?
- What struck you from reading the essays by Mark Maxwell and his son Justin?
~ Family and Children's Resource Program, UNC-CH School of Social Work ~