
Vol. 19, No. 2 May 2015
Help Us Find Families for These Children
For more information on these children or adoption in general, call the
NC Kids Adoption and Foster Care Network at 1-877-NCKIDS-1, www.adoptnckids.org.
Noelia (age 15)
Noelia always has a big, bright, infectious smile for those around her. She is a sweet, friendly young lady who is a joy to be around. Noelia enjoys receiving hugs and giving affection, and she enjoys listening to children's songs and watching Dora The Explorer shows and movies. Her favorite toy is stuffed monkeys. Noelia, who is currently a middle school student, loves school. To help her in school, she receives speech, occupational, and physical therapy.
Noelia needs a forever family that can make a lifetime commitment to her. Noelia's forever family will be extremely lucky to have her as a part of their family! |
Mariana (age 12)
Sweet and caring, Mariana is insightful and curious. She loves hugs and reassurance! Mariana enjoys nature, science, and animals. Mariana would love to expand her knowledge of horses and her riding ability. She would love to have a pet. Mariana has expressed an interest in participating in Girl Scouts and sewing. Mariana is an A/B student and is described by her teachers as intelligent, helpful, and spunky.
Mariana very much wants a family to call her very own. She would like to be adopted by a single mother or a two-parent home where she receives lots of positive reinforcement and structure. More than anything, Mariana wants a "typical" childhood and the chance to be a part of a loving family.
Tymarion (age 11)
Tymarion is confident, charismatic, and outgoing. He loves to play basketball or watch it on television. He wants to be a professional basketball player one day. Tymarion is helpful around the house and likes to help wash the car and plant in the garden.
Tymarion would do best in a two-parent family where expectations and personal boundaries are clearly set and followed. A family who could maintain a positive structured environment while encouraging him to develop his strengths would be ideal. It is important for his adoptive parents to be able to provide him with firm but loving discipline and close supervision.
Tymarion is hoping to be adopted by a loving family who will help him maintain contact with his sibling. |
Shamyah (age 7), Joshua (age 10), and Destini (age 12)
These siblings are a joy to be around. Shamyah is a happy, outgoing little girl full of energy. She gets along well with others but craves one-on-one attention. Shamyah loves to go to the beach and her favorite food is pizza.
Joshua is smart, well-mannered, and eager to learn. He enjoys helping out at home. Some of his favorite things are soccer, basketball, action figures, and spaghetti. He wants to be a doctor.
Destini has a beautiful smile to go along with her friendly personality. She loves spending time with her siblings, shopping, playing volleyball, and singing. She hopes to participate in chorus once she's adopted.
All of the children are doing well in school and are on grade level. These siblings are truly bonded and need a forever family where they can grow up together.
Te'naszeia and Ke'nazseia (both age 15)
Twins Ke'naszeia and Ta'nazseia are polite, well-mannered young men. They very much want an adoptive family who will adopt them together. While they initially seem shy, they warm up easily.
Ke'naszeia is a handsome young man who attends the YMCA and enjoys spending time on the computer. He enjoys sports, particularly football and Karate. In his free time, Ke'naszeia likes to watch ESPN and BET. He also likes listening to hip hop music and reading.
Ta'nazseia also attends the YMCA and enjoys spending time on the computer. Like his brother, Ta'nazseia watches BET and listens to hip hop music. He also enjoys working in the yard and attending church.
These boys are excited about the adoption process. They look forward to finding a forever family committed to their well-being. The boys would benefit most from a family that is nurturing, loving, structured, and fair. A family that is patient with the boys while providing loving guidance will allow them to flourish.
Ezekiel "Zeke" (age 14) Zeke is a wonderful young man! He enjoys sports, electronics, and reading. Zeke is a very helpful gentleman who loves sports. He wants to be a professional football player when he grows up. A social butterfly, he loves to spend time with family. Zeke is a loving child who gets along well with his friends, at home, and in school. He does well in school, making A's and B's. He is well liked by his teachers and peers and plays band and sports for the school.
Zeke has an older sister and it is very important that he maintain his relationship with his big sister and other birth family members. Zeke would prefer to be adopted by a family who lives in the southeastern portion of North Carolina. He would very much like a forever family where he has brothers around his age. Zeke needs to be made to feel that he is a part of the family not just until he turns 18, but forever.
For more information on these children or adoption in general, call the
NC Kids Adoption and Foster Care Network at 1-877-NCKIDS-1, www.adoptnckids.org.