-1, Grade A, beloved, B eautiful, Capable,
C aring,
Delightful, D ependable, E
njoyable, excellent,
F ascinating, fabulous, A gift, a G
em, genuinely generous,
Honest, H ighgrade, impressive, I
nteresting, a jewel, a J ackpot.
Kindhearted, and a K ing, Laudable, L
ikeable, marvelous,
M agnificent, naturally
N ice... O ne of a kind,
P leasing, priceless,
Q ueenlike in quality, R
are in radiance, Scintillating, S plendid,
superb, sensational, T rustworthy, talented,
tender, and tasteful,
U nique, Unprecedented,
V ery very valuable, W orthy,
Xtraordinary, X ceptional, Yes! Yes! Yes!
Y ou! You! You!
You're one in a Z illion!!!
"The ABC's of You" from the recording Down
the Do Re Mi, @Smilin' Atcha Music, 1991, Written by Red and Kathy Grammer,
Distributed through Red Note Records 1-800-824-2980.