Vol. 8, No. 1 November 2003
Ignites Family Spirit
In June,
over 635 foster and adoptive parents from across the state gathered
in Greensboro, North Carolina for a conference called Light the Spark,
Ignite the Spirit. The NC Division of Social Services made this
event possible with funds allocated by the General Assembly to commemorate
the retirement of Representative Ruth Easterling. During her 25 years
in the legislature, Representative Easterling kept the needs of our
children foremost in her actions.
NC Kids
Adoption and Foster Care Network was the official coordinator of the
event. Together with an advisory board made up of public and private
agencies, foster and adoptive parents, and other service organizations,
NC Kids created a three-day event that celebrated the achievements of
foster and adoptive parents.
North Carolina
used this time to thank foster and adoptive parents for all they do
for children. Participants selected from over 70 workshops to earn continuing
education credits. In a formal ceremony eight foster and adoptive parents
from across the state were honored for their strong commitment to our
children. The entire weekend was cost free for foster and adoptive parentshotel
stays, meals, and reimbursement for respite care expenses were all provided.
Families also enjoyed and learned from two great keynote speakers, George
Duvall and Heather Craig-Oldsen.
laughed, danced, learned, and networked during this conference.
One participant
said, I cannot begin to tell you how much I have learned and how
this will help me to manage the children we bring into our home.
summed it up by saying, I am leaving feeling rejuvenated and inspired.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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2003 Jordan Institute for Families