Vol. 8, No. 1 November 2003
Carolina Foster Parents Association News
by Kay Gillis,
NCFPA Communications Chair
The North
Carolina Foster Parents Association has been busy working to meet the
needs of foster, adoptive, and kinship parents across our state.
A prime
example of this is what we have done to make it more convenient for
you to get the training you need for relicensure. Our one-day conferences
in Davidson and Greenville will be history by the time you read this,
but save Saturday, February 28, 2004 for the Fayetteville conference.
You should also plan to attend our statewide conference in Raleigh/Durham
on Saturday-Sunday, April 24-25, 2004. Conference brochures will be
at the website <www.ncfpa.org>
early in January 2004. The single day conferences allow attendees to
earn six hours of training credit. Attend one regional and one statewide
conference and complete the training quiz in each issue of Fostering
Perspectives and you will have earned the 20 hours of training required
for re-licensing!
You should
also know that the NCFPA was involved in the recent, successful effort
to increase North Carolinas foster care board and adoption assistance
rates. Thanks to legislative action in July 2003, foster parents and
adoptive parents whose children are eligible for adoption assistance
now receive $365 per month for children aged birth through five, $415
for children aged six through 12, and $465 for children aged 13 through
18. This increase, the first since 1992, passed in a year when funding
cuts were the norm!
The new
ex officio positions added to the Board are having some exciting
impacts. Special thanks to:
- Karen LeClair (Family
Support Network) for providing meeting sites and getting our contact
information included in thousands of brochures that FSN developed
for the state.
- Jeanne Preisler
(NC Kids) for enabling us to mail 10,000 conference brochures to foster
and adoptive parents, and for providing us with a permanent home.
- Dr. Dana Leinenweber
for her efforts to establish a continuum of care for foster children,
developing a survey for foster parents to complete, and working to
secure grant funding.
- Joanne Scatturo
(NCDSS) for her attitude of anything I can do to help?
and making lovely thank you cards.
- Frank Byrd (SaySo)
for being willing to educate us about issues and concerns of teens
in the system.
Do you have
ideas or concerns? Let us know! Call our toll free number, write us
via snail mail, or use our interactive website <www.ncfpa.org>.
Click on the map on the About Us page for e-mail addresses.
visit our website regularly. New pages on Lifebooks and Local Associations
have been added recently, as well as new links to other sites of interest.
Look for forums/discussion groups in the near future, as well as a listing
of local association contacts. We will also be adding a printable lifebook
page each month that you can add to and use in you childrens lifebooks.
Thanks to
Linda Hargrove for her excellent choice of graphics and her dedication
to maintaining our site!
Copyright �
2003 Jordan Institute for Families