Vol. 8, No. 1 November 2003
Forever Seeds
by Caryl
They left
her mid-afternoon, dressed in too-large sweats, holding her worn bag
in a death grip.
Lizabeth, can I take your bag for you?
I reached
for it; she drew back.
Of course,
I couldnt take it. It was hers. Inside, a crayon drawing of her
mother and another stained, torn sweat suit were her treasures.
I wanted
to gather her in my arms, to hug her, to make everything all right.
Instead, I asked her if shed like to see her room.
I watch TV? She eyed my seven-year-old grandson, sprawled on his
stomach in front of the set. At my nod, she plopped down beside him
and cupped her chin in her hands. She was eight, and alone, and the
TV seemed the friendliest place to be.
she left us, but not before she learned all the words to several bedtime
stories, and how to make suds on the frilly bath poof in
the tub. Not until she mastered writing her ABCs on primary clothesline
paper, biting her tongue with the effort. Not before she found out adults
can touch without hurting. She left us, waving frantically from the
back window of the car that spirited her away. She cried, and so did
Foster children
arent forever. Foster parents are. Thats why I love being
a foster parent. We plant a seed in a child that grows with her, a seed
of self-respect and trust. We dont always get to water it. Sometimes
theres only time to drop it into the fertile soil of a young life.
We seldom get to see it mature. But we plant our seed nevertheless,
in the knowledge that it will make a difference as it grows. A forever
Harvey is a foster parent in Colorado. This essay was one of the winners
of the Colorado State Foster Parent Associations 2003 essay contest
on the subject Why I Love Being a Foster Parent. To read
other contest winners, visit the Casey Family Programs National Center
for Resource Family Support at <http://www.casey.org/cnc/support_retention/>.
Reprinted with permission from