Vol. 8, No. 1 November 2003
Stumbo Ruling and CPS Investigations in North Carolina
By John
When the
North Carolina Supreme Court chose to hear the matter of Stumbo many
believed the case would have far-reaching implications for our states
child protective services workers. Child advocates hoped the court would
use the case to reaffirm the role of child welfare agencies and the
methods they use to protect children from abuse and neglect. Civil libertarians
and home schoolers hoped for a decision that would advance and protect
parental rights. In the end, neither side got exactly what it wanted.
The Stumbo
case began in September 1999, when the Cleveland County Department of
Social Services (DSS) received an anonymous report that Jim and Mary
Ann Stumbos two-year-old daughter was wandering in the driveway
of their house, naked and unsupervised.
Soon after,
a child protective services (CPS) worker arrived at the familys
home to look into the report and assess the childs safety. When
the Stumbos refused to allow the social worker to interview their children
in private, DSS filed a petition with a court alleging that the parents
were obstructing and interfering with the CPS investigation. The court
The Stumbos,
who home school their children, appealed the decision with the assistance
of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). In a divided decision,
the North Carolina Court of Appeals upheld the lower courts ruling.
The Stumbos
again appealed, this time to the North Carolina Supreme Court, which
heard the case in February 2002. Lawyers for Cleveland County DSS argued
before the NC Supreme Court that CPS workers were in compliance with
the law in their efforts to investigate this report of neglect. The
Stumbos and their supportersincluding the American Civil Liberties
Uniondisagreed, arguing that because social workers are agents
of the government, their demands to interview the Stumbo children amounted
to an unreasonable search and seizure, in violation of the Fourth Amendment.
After an
uncharacteristically long delay, on July 16, 2003 the Supreme Court
ruled unanimously in favor of the Stumbos, though in a way that sidestepped
the Fourth Amendment issue. In the majority opinion Justice Robert Orr
stated that although the Stumbos child did slip out of the house
without their awareness, this kind of parental lapse does not
in and of itself constitute neglect. The Court ruled
that Cleveland County DSS was in error when it accepted the report for
investigation because this report failed to meet the legal definition
of neglect as defined by North Carolina statute § 7B-101. As an
aside, the Court stated that if there had been a complaint of a pattern
of lack of supervision of the child or other credible evidence that
indicated a serious failing on the part of the parents to look after
the child, the report would have merited investigation.
Though the
familys supporters trumpeted the decision as a victory for parental
rights, it does not call into question the legal basis of DSS procedures.
Asked to comment about the case, Kirk Randleman, Assistant Attorney
General with the N.C. Department of Justice, said, Agencies should
not change the way they operate as a result of this ruling. They should
continue to use the legal definitions and the information they have
about the level of risk to the child when deciding whether or not to
the Stumbo decision does have implications for the way child welfare
agencies ask courts for noninterference orders when they feel parents
are obstructing CPS investigations. According to a summary on Stumbo
prepared by Randleman and his colleagues in the Attorney Generals
office, when agencies petition the court in these situations they must
first present sufficient evidence to demonstrate that the initial report
meets the legal definition of abuse/neglect. Only after they have satisfied
a judge on this point can they present evidence about parental interference.
also sends the message that agencies must carefully screen child maltreatment
reports to ensure they meet North Carolinas definition of abuse,
neglect, or abandonment. Recent developments in child welfare practice
in North Carolina may make this easier for county child protection agencies.
As of June
1, 2003, every DSS in the state began using a new strengths-based,
structured intake process designed to ensure child maltreatment
reports are screened in a consistent way and that agencies get better
information from reporters about families and their situations. The
tools in this highly structured process emphasize learning about family
strengths as well as needs, so that if they do need to intervene, agencies
are better prepared to support families and protect children. These
new screening tools can be found online at <http://www.dhhs.
The summary
from the Attorney Generals office also urges county DSSs
to be aware of, place more emphasis upon, and comply with GS §
7B-302(h), which was passed into law on July 4, 2003. This law, which
addresses Fourth Amendment issues implicit in CPS visits, reads:
(h) The director
or the directors representative may not enter a private residence
for investigation purposes without at least one of the following:
- The reasonable belief that
a juvenile is in imminent danger of death or serious physical injury
- The permission of the parent
or person responsible for the juveniles care
- The accompaniment of a law
enforcement officer who has legal authority to enter the residence
- An order from a court of
competent jurisdiction
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