Vol. 16, No. 2 May 2012
Can't Adopt but Want to Help?
Question: I am not currently in a position to adopt a child, but I would like to help. Is there anything I can do to help a child find permanency?
Yes! Help us spread the word to people who may be considering adoption that there are children in need of families. You can begin by sharing the Waiting Child section (see next page) of Fostering Perspectives with your friends, family, co-workers, church congregation, book club, or anyone who cares about children.
Why not share it with your FaceBook friends as well? And feel free to post the waiting children page in your break room at work, on notice boards at church, or anywhere interested parents might see it. You never know who might see this page and feel a connection with a featured child.
For more information about adoption or foster parenting, call NC Kids at 877-625-4371.
~ Family and Children's Resource Program, UNC-CH School of Social Work ~