Vol. 8, No. 1 November 2003
from Foster Care
Perspectives tries to reflect the voices of people involved in North
Carolinas child welfare system. Thats why, in addition to
featuring articles by and about foster and adoptive parents and social
workers, every issue features writing and artwork by children who are
or have been in foster care. This material usually appears in the middle
of each issue.
time we put the kids front and center. The letters you find here were
submitted in response to last issues writing contest, which asked
the question: If you could write a letter to your birth parent,
what would you say?
the contest winners was really difficult. We received many more submisions
than we ever have before, and every entry was unique and personal. We
were profoundly impressed by the willingness of these young writers
to share their fears and dreams with us.
The letters
we finally selected for publication in this issue were chosen in part
because each reveals something special about the spirit of the person
writing the letter. We also chose them because they reflect the different
voices of youth in care: some are quite young, others nearly adults.
Some have been adopted, others only recently separated from their parents.
All these letters address one or more of the central issues faced by
those who experience foster care and adoption. Among these are childrens
struggle for identity, their anger, and their deep love for their mothers
and fathers.
We hope
that as you read these letters you will reflect on the perspectives
of these children and youth. Think about and celebrate the things you
already do to make childrens lives better. Think also about the
additional things we all can do to help foster and adopted children
heal, grow, and flourish.
McMahon, Editor
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age 10
Dear Mama,
I dont
know where you are and sometimes Im worried that you are dead.
I wonder why you didnt want to come to our good-bye visit, and
why you dont call our social worker. I feel scared that maybe
something happened to you. I love you, Mama. Why did you do this? Why
did you make us go into foster care? I wish you had kept us healthy
by not giving us too much junk food. I wish you hadnt let anything
hurt us, like the way Anthony hurt Laitshas arm. When we were
in the hospital for the doctors to fix Laitshas arm, I was feeling
scared. When Anthony got arrested I was happy.
Mama, Im
sad that we got taken away from you. I want you to be happy, but I dont
think you are happy about me being adopted. I wish you could understand
that I am in a good place now with Brigitte and Phil, because they do
stuff with us weve never done before, and they discipline us,
and they love us. Mama I hope that you are in a safe place, not hurt,
and not worried. I hope that you are happy. I hope that you know we
love you.
Love, Jimmicka
letter took first prize, for which she was awarded $100
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age 13
. . . .
Im living with this African lady just until the end of the school
year, then Im going back to this lady named Jane.* She is really
nice, but dont worry, she will never be as good as you. And just
to let you know, every foster parent I have lived with, I called them
by their name and not mama, because I only have one mama, and that is
you. I am very proud to be your daughter. . . .Maybe one day me, you,
Derrick, and Tony can go to Busch Gardens as a family. DSS is always
telling me I am never going to see you again, but I dont listen
to them. Theyre just trying to turn me against you, but it aint
goin work. Cause when I turn 18, Im coming to live with
you. I dont care what anybody says, Im coming to live with
my Mama. See Mama, now Im 13 years old. I only got five more years
until I get to see you. Thats not that long, is it?
letter took second prize, for which she was awarded $50.
*Name changed to protect confidentiality
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age 8
Dear Momma,
I feel very,
very sad that I cant see you anymore. I hope to see you one day.
You are a very good person. I wish that I could toss a coin and I could
wish for anything I want. I wish I could be rich and I wish I could
have $100 and I wish I could have a butler. Id give DSS $100 and
then they could give me back to you and we could all live together again.
I hope you will be able to see my brothers again. I miss you very much
and I love you.
I am a very
healthy girl and John and Jane* take care of me. They would never hurt
me. I am meeting some new friends at school.
I hope I
find a good home when I can be adopted.
When I grow
up I want to be a doctor or an author.
Love, Destiny
letter took third prize, for which she was awarded $25.
*Names changed to protect confidentiality.
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age 12
Dear Daddy,
I havent
seen you for three years. When I think back on old times, I remember
your false teeth and how you looked like a vampire when you would
take them out. You would chase us around and act like you were going
to bite us, and then you would tickle us. I felt great when you
would play with us like that. |
You and
Mama would always call me your baby. I miss that. I dont like
thinking about when you went to prison. I hope that someday we can see
each other again. I hope that you are happy. I am happy sometimes and
not happy sometimes.
Love, Audrey
received $15 for having her letter published
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age 18
If I could
ask my parent anything I would ask my dad, Why didnt you
love me? I feel he tossed me away like an old doll. You didnt
even play with me. I felt like I came from the sky and that is why I
am so sour. . . .You make kids like Ford makes cars. I try to get your
attention but I still dont have it. . . . I feel you put others
before me when all I ask you for is your time. Time to spend with me.
Time to go to a game. I dont want money. I want a dad, a friend.
But I guess you still are not ready to face up to your problems. You
give men like me a bad name.
received $15 for having his letter published
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age 15
The Letter
I look up in the stars every night
Hoping that my future will get bright.
Then the next day when I look in your face
Youre still tryin to be the same person
That Im tryin to erase.
I dont want a fake role model,
I want a hero.
Please change back!
If I cant have a father,
I dont want a friend.
If I cant have a dad,
I dont want an associate.
Friends and associates fade away
Into the background
But a father and a dad
Stays for life.
To whom this may concern:
Give me back my hero.
received $15 for having her poem published
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age 13
. . . .
Because of you I hover over my food and eat it as fast as I can because
I think it will be my last meal. I never feel full, either. I flinch
and shield myself when people make fast movements around me. I hate
being alone and cannot have my back to any closed door.
The worst
is the horrible flashbacks and traumatic nightmares about my past. But
I kind of want to say thank-you because it made me so much stronger.
The only thing that stopped me from dying was myself. Without me I wouldnt
have survived . . . .
You may
not think what you put me through was wrong, but I do. You just need
to know that I do remember and Ill never forget. But yet after
all you put me through for some reason I still love you. I also forgive
PS: I hope
you love me too!
is exactly what I would write and also, heres a poem I wrote to
her about the way I feel.
Still Love You
Mom, I dont know why
But every time I think of you
I want to cry.
Mom, I cant understand why
I love you so.
Even though your love
Would never show.
I think I did wrong by leaving you.
But Mom, why did you leave me too?
Mom, why do I still believe youre there,
Even though deep inside I know
You dont really care.
Mom, I want you to care
I want you to be there
Guess my dream will never come true
I just want you to know
Mom, I still love you.
received $30 for having her letter and her poem published
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age 13

received $15 for having his work published
The preceding
letters appeared in the printed version of this issue of Fostering
Perspectives. To read more letters from children who are or have
been in foster care, click here.
Copyright �
2003 Jordan Institute for Families