June is Reunification Month!

June is Reunification Month, the perfect time for resource parents to reflect on their role in supporting reunification. There is promising evidence that building a strong relationship between parents and resource parents increases the likelihood of reunification.

“When foster parents support or mentor birth parents, they can enhance the ability of birth parents to stay informed about their children’s development while they are in out-of-home care, improve parenting skills, increase placement stability, and lead to more timely reunifications” (CWIG, 2017).

The American Bar Association Center on Children and Law developed a Tip Sheet for resource parents on supporting family reunification based on interviews with experienced resource parents. Their concrete tips center around four key themes.

  1. Respect parents and be compassionate.
  2. Encourage visitation and regular contact.
  3. Communicate with the family regularly.
  4. Remember that safe reunification is best for the children.

To access this valuable resource and learn more about concrete actions you can take in these four categories, visit https://bit.ly/3cmCtFR.