FFA-NC is here for you!

Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina is the voice of Foster Parents across NC. We have been incredibly busy working on a Bill of Rights. We had over 550 people fill out our survey; a draft bill is currently in progress. We hope to have it sponsored by a legislator before the close of this legislative session.

FFA-NC offers training to foster parents on the third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. Sign up for our email and/or follow our Facebook page to get the information. Training topics covered in the past few months include FASD, neurobehavioral approaches to parenting, an introduction to the Resource Parent Curriculum, adoption, and guardianship. You can view recordings of our webinars here: https://www.ffa-nc.org/events-training-webinars.

FFA-NC is looking for volunteers for committees, the Board of Directors, and other areas. Please fill out  our application, which you can find here: https://www.ffa-nc.org/membership. Indicate if you are interested in volunteering and in what capacity.

Lastly, FFA-NC is sponsoring a virtual summit for foster parents on May 22, 2021. Be on the lookout for a signup email, or go to our website (https://www.ffa-nc.org). There will be presentation about the NC Department of Juvenile Justice Raising the Age, IEPs, kinship, and many great presenters.

Come connect with other resource parents across North Carolina!