Kid's Pages

Writing Contest
First Prize: $100 • Second Prize: $50 • Third Prize: $25

If you are under 18 and are or have been in foster care, please send us a letter or short essay in response to the following question:

They say having at least one adult that you feel close to and can really depend on can make a big difference when you are in foster care. If you have a person like that in your life, tell us a little about them and why they’re special to you.

(Responses should be 200 or less words.)

Deadline: August 6, 2019

E-mail submissions to [email protected] or mail them to: Fostering Perspectives, Family & Children’s Resource Program, 100 Europa Dr., Suite 571, CB# 5220, Chapel Hill, NC 27517. Include your name, age, address, and phone number. In addition to receiving the awards specified above, winners will have their work published in the next issue. If runners-up have their work published they will also receive an award.