Resiliency in Child Welfare  

Every day in North Carolina there are countless examples of resiliency being shown by children, youth, families, resource parents, and professionals. The majority of these examples go unseen and are done without praise or recognition. Resiliency can be hard to describe. For those living through a challenging time what may seem like resiliency to us may just feel like “surviving” to them. 

In this issue of Fostering Perspectives, our contributors wanted to share all the different ways that people can teach, demonstrate, and build resiliency. Through a variety of viewpoints people share their experiences, tips, and strategies all with the ultimate goal of trying to help others overcome their own challenges. Hopefully this issue inspires, educates, and enlightens you to think of all the different ways resiliency can be shown, and what you can do to build resiliency in yourself and others. We hope you find it helpful.