By Tori Marshall
The John H. Chafee Foster Care Federal Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood is known as the “LINKS Program” in North Carolina. The LINKS Program supports youth and young adults between 14 to 21 years old who are or were in foster care.
LINKS is not an acronym, and therefore does not “stand” for anything. Instead, it is a word that captures the purpose of the Chafee Act and the intent of North Carolina to build a network of relevant services and resources with youth. These services and resources allow young people to have ongoing connections with family, friends, mentors, the community, employers, education, financial assistance, skills training, and other resources to facilitate their transition to adulthood.
LINKS also utilizes federal funding to support and assist youth and young adults in their transition to adulthood. LINKS Special Funds support contracts with agencies in NC that provide direct services and support to youth and young adults.
The NC LINKS program helps to bring about change by leveraging those who have lived experienced in numerous ways. One of the extraordinary ways is by having a Youth Advocacy Leader Council of young people voted in by their peers from all over NC. These young people with the support of the SaySo (Strong Able Youth Speaking Out) advocate for positive changes for their peers. These young people participate in different Government Page Weeks and participate in meetings with their local social services to provide feedback on current services and support in their county.
These young people also participate as members of committees with The NC Department of Health and Human Services to provide their lived experience input in meetings that impact permanency, safety, and the well-being of children. Young people with lived experience also participate in planning committees to help develop resources and guides for social workers and caregivers.
These young people’s voices, input, and stories are so important to help move the needle towards positive change for foster care youth and young adults in NC. Their insight and feedback are valued in this partnership to create change. Young people receive monetary stipends to compensate them for their efforts.
The NC Department of Health and Human Services also hires young adults with lived experience after they have fully exited out of foster care. These young adults are employed within the Permanency Section to work closely with LINKS, Foster Care 18 to 21, NC Kids for Adoption Recruitment, and the Adoptions Program. These young adults lead meetings, participate in many projects, and propose ideas for initiatives that impact permanency.
NC LINKS is dedicated to helping youth and young adults in NC with their transition into adulthood and society but cannot do the work without the partnership of young people with lived experience.
Tori Marshall, BSW is the State LINKS Independent Coordinator with the NC Department of Health and Human Services