NC’s Foster Care 18 to 21 Program

This program allows youth to stay in foster care until age 21. Services and benefits include Medicaid coverage and educational grants/scholarships for attending a NC public community college or university. Other program benefits include:

Placement in a home approved by the county child welfare agency. The only ineligible living situations are being incarcerated or living with the person DSS removed the young adult from (waived in some cases during the COVID-19 pandemic).

Foster care payments at the standard rate (currently $634/month). These are for food, shelter, clothing, incidentals, and ordinary and necessary school and transportation expenses. Payments may be made to a foster parent, placement agency, relative, or host family. The county may even make the payments directly to the young adult.

Ongoing case work that includes a plan created and reviewed at quarterly meetings with the young adult and their team; monthly contact between the young adult and social worker; quarterly home assessments; and assistance with annual credit checks.

LINKS. Program participants can also continue to access services from LINKS.

Youth who turn 18 while in DSS custody must meet one of these criteria to enroll in Foster Care 18 to 21:

  • Enrolled in secondary education;
  • Enrolled in postsecondary or vocational education;
  • Participating in a program or activity designed to promote or remove barriers to employment;
  • Employed at least 80 hours per month; or
  • Incapable of meeting the above requirements due to a medical condition or a disability.

Once enrolled, young adults must maintain their eligibility. To learn more, refer to NC policy or ask your county child welfare agency.